Where is The Dark Amethyst located?

We are located in South Austin, off the corner of South 1st and Oltorf. A few buildings behind the Starbucks on that corner, we are directly across the street from Habanero.

How do I book an appointment?

You can find our booking forms on the home page when you click ‘book an appointment’, the booking forms are also linked in each of our Instagram bios. Once we receive the booking form we will email you back with more details ASAP. 

You are also welcome to send us an email anytime! Justin’s email is kambocube@gmail.com, Kallie’s is tattoosbykallie@gmail.com, and the shop email is amethystatx@gmail.com.

What should I bring/wear to my appointment?

Yourself, *well fed and rested*. Your valid ID, water/snacks for breaks, a pillow/blanket if you wish. Please wear something comfortable and easy to move out of the way if necessary, that you don’t mind getting ink on. Pro tip: black clothing!!!

What types of payment does the shop accept?

Cash is always acceptable, but we happily accept card as well! No checks.